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New Forums and Email
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Genesee Wanderers Cycling Club now has a forum setup as a listserv we will be using for the majority of our email.

To Start with we will have a General forum and an Assenmacher 100 forum. We could add others in the further.

Some of the advantages are.

At the top of an email are options so you can “View/reply” this will take you to the thread on the forum this email is part of so you can see the entire thread as well as being able to replying to it, “Reply to forum” this will reply to all and post on the forum or “Reply directly to (member’s name)” this will send the reply to whoever set the email. With the old system you could only reply to the sender so if you wanted to send a reply to everyone you had to go to the website and start a new email.

On the website you can view a thread and all the replies to it rather than having the emails mixed in with other emails in your in box. If you delete an email from your email and then later you would like to see it or reply it you can go to the forum.

To start a new thread (email) you can send an email to for the General forum or to for the Assenmacher forum. Or while in the forum click on “Start New Thread” and enter your message. With the old system you need to be on the website and it’s a multi-step process.

Configuring if you receive emails.

While logged into the website mouse over your name at the top right and click on Profile you will see a new section Forums near the lower left of the screen. If you click on Forum Memberships you will see a box for each forum you are a member of. If you click on the pencil icon you will be able to change some settings.

If you have any questions please reply to this email.


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