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NorthWest Tour
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About this event
NorthWest Tour 2024
Join us for the 16th Annual NorthWest Tour in beautiful Traverse City, Michigan!
This budget-friendly 5 day bicycle tour uses one campground as the "hub" of our adventure. Ride the beautiful hills, valleys, and peninsula while admiring lakes and streams of NorthWest Michigan. Daily ride miles will be from 30 - 80+ miles with shorter options the first and last days of the tour. Included in the fees are 4 or 5 nights of tent camping, restroom/shower facilities, ride maps/cue sheets, Ride with GPS maps, and 8 catered meals for breakfast and dinners. Golden Crown Catering of Port Huron will cater for us again this year. Enjoy the company of your fellow cyclists and ride as much or as little as you like. This is a perfect ride to begin your hill training for DALMAC.
New this year: Optional camping night of Tuesday, June 4, Wednesday night dinner, more central camping area (different from prior years) and Park and Ride option near Empire, MI
Cost: $360 (additional fee for RV's); $20 off for kids 12 and under
Registration is now open
Limited to the first 200 paid registrants
Contact for registration issues.
Looking forward to June and seeing everyone!
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